imaGen Ventures 2024 Global Challenge

Inviting UNICEF Country Offices to identify, select, and submit the two most promising youth-led ventures coming from local entrepreneurship programming.

Two young entrepreneurs in a workshop

imaGen Ventures, Generation Unlimited's initiative on youth entrepreneurship and social innovation, will select a new cohort of Global Winners for the fifth time. Awarded teams will receive seed funding to directly invest in their solutions and access global incubation opportunities.

UNICEF Country Offices are invited to identify, select, and submit to UNICORN the two most promising youth-led ventures coming from local entrepreneurship programming. 

Teams will be assessed by a cohort of 100+ global judges on their potential social impact, project feasibility, business and organizational model, and alignment to the Sustainable Development Goals. 10 solutions will be awarded as global winners receiving up to $10,000 each.

Country Offices have time to submit the 2 solutions by December 13th, 2024.