Digital Skilling: Effective Girl-Centered Approaches for Access to Digital Skills
Learning brief from the Girls Education & Skilling Partnership (GESP)
Adopting a girl-centered approach, the Girls’ Education and Skills Partnership (GESP) addresses the skills deficit among young women through leveraging the Passport 2 Earning Digital Platform to support young women in India, Bangladesh, and Nigeria to develop market-relevant skills and obtain certification, increasing access to in-demand job opportunities.
This learning brief aims to capture tacit knowledge and facilitate real-time learning, enhancing programme quality and addressing challenges in digital skilling initiatives. The purpose is to codify the tacit and implicit knowledge accrued by implementing teams. The learning captured within the brief derives from qualitative data captured through this cross-team exchange. Purposefully excluding quantitative outcome and impact data, GenU's learning brief series aims to facilitate rapid, real-time learning to foster the exchange of knowledge and the generation of insights to enhance programme quality and address emerging challenges in the implementation of digital skilling programmes.
Learning Highlights
- Engage adolescent girls and young women as contributors and partners in programme design through consultations and co-design.
- Address the unique barriers experienced by adolescent girls and young women and define targeted approaches to support access to digital devices and data.
- Make adolescent girls and young women visible in course content and develop specialised content to respond to their needs.
- Provide adolescent girls and young women with holistic wrap-around support through access to mentors, role models and peer support networks.
- Build partnerships to support outreach to adolescent girls & young woman and advocate for their engagement in non-traditional skilling & earning opportunities.